
These programs are postcard-ware!

If you find a program here useful, please send a postcard from where you are. If that's inconvenient, e-mail will suffice. Your postcard lets me know what is useful or not, and where to contact you if I discover errors or problems later (plus, I'll enjoy seeing the world). Currently available are:

Wesley's Encrypted Stuff
Saves text in an encrypted file, for passwords, private journals, etc.
MySync directory synchronizer
Little utility to facilitate keeping directories in sync on two or more computers.
Parasite Differential Diagnosis
DOS program that lists parasite diseases
Health Maintenance Exam Booklet
Preventive medicine advice & information for patients to read at their health maintenance exam. Yes/No or No/Yes questions are written so that responses that require more attention are on the right hand side, to facilitate a 10 second review by the doctor.
Medicine and the Internet Syllabus
Handout for my November 1997 talk at the Southern Medical Association Assembly.
Check if port in use
Small utility to check to see if a local port is already in use on your computer.

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Pocket PC version here

The Pocket PC version of Parasite is available in beta version, released in 2002. Please let me know if it works with your version of Windows CE for Pocket PC's.

The old (early 1990's vintage) DOS program that lists parasite diseases...

...that generates differential diagnoses for sets of criteria you select, including geographic location, clinical manefestations and route of spread. Last updated 1993.

download now (41270 bytes)

Zipped with pkzip (version 2.04g). Requires pkunzip version 2 to unzip, which is available free at PKware.

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Health Maintenance Checkup Booklet

Preventive medicine advice & information for patients to read at their health maintenance exam. Yes/No or No/Yes questions are written so that responses that require more attention are on the right hand side, to facilitate a 10 second review by the doctor.

The Amí Pro version 3.0 document is called HMC.SAM. If you don't use Amí Pro and can't import it into your word processor, use the included HMC.TXT file, which lacks the Yes, No, ? prompts, pictures, and heading font specifications, etc. Also included are HMC1125.SAM and HMC1125.TXT, the version for young people ages 11-25, and README.TXT.

Download HMC.ZIP now (58,356 bytes, last updated 6/96)

Zipped with pkzip (version 2.04g). Requires pkunzip version 2 to unzip, which is available free at PKware.

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Medicine & the Internet

Handout for my November 1997 talk at the Southern Medical Association Assembly.

Please feel free to read it, use it and send me comments.

Download talk97.rtf (59417 bytes) in Rich Text Format (your word processor should be able to import that)..

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Any problems? Need non-zipped files? Call wesley (at sign) eastridges (dot) com

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