Doctor Place
for the practicing physician
Set off from this page to the Internet sites found to be most useful to
me in family practice (see below). In addition, this site contains:
Most useful doctor sites:
These are the sites I actually use the most. See Lots
of Links for a bigger window to the rest of the
- Genetics
- Mendelian look up by features
- Genetics Home Reference from NIH
- Merck Medicus
- is the best starting point for local medical content as well as links
to medical sites.
- One site for patient handouts is Dr.
- Cancernet
- The Internet has been especially useful to me in obtaining
authoritative information on various cancers. Cancernet has the National
Institutes of Health's PDQ documents. Some are written to answer the
patients' questions about their situation, and others give the doctors
data for staging, prognosis and both standard and experimental treatment
options. Another site, oncolink
has a large repository of oncology information maintained by the
University of Pennsylvania.
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, located in Atlanta,
Georgia, USA, is an agency of the Public Health Service, in the
Department of Health and Human Services. Among copious public health
information is found the contents of the "yellow book" of
travel health
information that health departments refer to and the "blue
sheet" of constantly updated vaccine requirements.
- MedEc Interactive
- A valuable site with resources similar to those of Physicians
On-Line, including PDR, FDA bulletins, e-mail, CME and forums. From
Medical Economics, the publishers of PDR. Checked 7/97. A patient came
in taking Zyprexa, prescribed by her psychiatrist, and having side
effects. I couldn't find Zyprexa in the 1997 PDR nor the PDR Supplement
that came in today's mail! However, it was described in detail in an FDA
approval announcement that MedEc Interactive had on its site. Searching
was easy: I just typed Zyprexa in their search engine.
- Medscape
- By the publishers of The Medical Tribune, this is a fun site to
browse for news articles of current interest, "bug of the month"
quizzes and infectious disease information.
- National Library of Medicine
- The home page, Hyperdoc, has access to Health Services /Technology
Assessment Text (HSTAT), including Clinical Guidelines of Agency for
Health Care Policy and Research, Consensus statements by NIH, and
Reports of the U.S. Preventive
Services Task Force.
- NLM offers Medline
over the Internet, and it's better than ever.
- Pediatric
Emergency X-ray cases
*** Good
teaching collection of
Emergency X-ray cases by WWW. . This is plain old good quality
medical education. Clinical cases are presented with the x-rays,
followed by a discussion on x-ray findings/signs and approach to
pediatric emergencies. Dr. Yamamoto started this series a few years ago
when the files had to be compressed and downloaded by ftp. They have
been adding cases ever since. You can also mail two diskettes for each
of five volumes with a self-addressed return envelope to: Loren
Yamamoto, M.D, MPH, Department of Pediatrics, University of Hawaii John
A. Burns School of Medicine, 1319 Punahou St., #718, Honolulu, HI 96826.
Checked 6/99.
- Virtual Hospital
- This is famous as one of the first sites of its kind. It is a project
of the University of Iowa to share information, images, case
presentations and CME.
- Celebrate Recovery
- First Broad Street United Methodist Church has a newly created chapter of Celebrate Recovery, a Christian 12-step program. All are welcome.
Finally, here's a thought: Sir William Osler...The practice of
medicine is an art, not a trade; a calling, not a business."
Talk back!
What have you found to be useful in your practice? Have you found
problems with any of the resources identified by this page? I'd like to
know what you think.
Send comments to 
Homesick for Star Trek? Hear Bones McCoy say, "It's
medically impossible!"
Created September, 1995. Homepage last updated 2013. Links page
updated more frequently.
Wesley Eastridge, M.D. is a family practice doctor in Gate City,
Virginia and across the state line in Kingsport,
Tennessee. See our group's homepage at mrfm.net
MRFM Gate City local website
testing: https://forms.gle/rSj5UkbUMnXM1P7N9