Welcome to 
M is our favorite electronic medical record program.
It has been in continuous use in Mountain Region Family Medicine in Gate City, Virginia since 2003.
We like it because it simply works. It is quick and intuitive, and it's always available.
M is Open Source
The project software code is available to the public.
You are welcome to use it to see how we do things if you are working on electronic health records,
to learn about the technology if you are studying medical informatics or programming, or to join our
work if you would like to build new parts.
We use e-prescribing with DrFirst Rcopia.
M is a Surescripts White Coat of Quality recipient again in 2013
The M project is in development and not currently marketed or supported outside
our own office. You are welcome to use the code as it is or adapt it to your needs.
You will need programming skills and you must develop privacy and security protocols
to prevent data loss, ensure uninterrupted availability and prevent harmful dissemination of
protected health information in order to use the program appropriately.
The Road Ahead
We would like to become certified for Meaningful Use by the government's definition,
and someday to provide the support needed for other doctors to use the program as we do.
However our first priority is to provide the features which help us to be better doctors,
including readily available notes, searchable text, reminders to ouselves, preventive medicine prompts,
legible prescriptions, drug interaction warnings, orderly problem lists and convenient data entry.
The electronic health record opens a wide world for even more quality improving features, some of which
are encouraged by government programs and some are impeded by excessive and complex rules.
We are at various stages in accomplishing these features.
If you are interested in helping, please contact m@eastridges.com
At this time the program is open-source and available for download at no cost and at the user's own risk.
It is not expected that it could be installed and used without the use of professional health information technology expertise, however.
It is not "ready for use" as downloaded.
If we or another entity should provide installation and support in the future it is anticipated that we would requre installation and
maintance fees comparable to other electronic medical records.
If prescriptions are to be sent via e-Prescribing, the user will need an account with Dr.First for the RCopia e-Rx capability that is built into Mountain Meadow Medical Records.
Dr. First will charge a regular fee, probably quarterly, per provider licensed to use their RCopia e-prescribing function.
Direct Secure Messaging:
This certified product-version may require ongoing monthly costs to support online patient portal service (170.314.e.1). Patient portal service allows patients to view their health information online as well as download and transmit a summary of their healthcare information to a third party electronically. The ongoing monthly cost is a flat rate per provider facility.
Mountain Meadow offers the connectivity for Direct secure messaging through EMR-Direct and their PhiMail service. This will require recurring fees for this service, per provider licensed to receive Direct secure mail.
What costs/fees are not included in the initial purchase of this software? Yearly fees e-prescribing (via DrFirst) and Direct e-mail messaging (via EMRDirect)
Are these costs/fees fixed, one-time, recurring, ongoing, monthly, transaction based, annual, etc.? Monthly or yearly
What software must be purchased that is not included in the initial purchase of this software? None
What kinds of services, functionality, or software are attributed to this cost? e-prescribing, Direct secure e-mail messaging
Are there any limitations of workstations or licenses where the software is deployed, volume of transactions or usage, or associated bandwidth limitations? No.
Does a provider have to sign a contract when purchasing your product? Not at present. Currently this program is self-developer software, open source and available for others to use if they support it, but not marketed.
If so, what are the terms for contractual obligation? (i.e. 1-year contract) None
Are there any additional services a provider must purchase that are not included in the initial purchase? No.
Is it necessary to engage with a third party in order to use your product? DrFirst for e-prescribing and EMRDirect for Direct e-mail.
If there are third parties involved, are there any limitations to whom they choose for this service? No.
To your knowledge, is there an agreement that providers must enter into with this third party? Yes.