Create Your Own Database
M runs with a Microsoft SQL Server Database which can be the free Express version for small installations. You will need to download the source code in order to setup your own database because it holds the latest version of the database and any subsequent update scripts are located in the code repository. This is explained in the Program Code page.
Creating the database
- Copy the project code from the repository to your own comptuer. See the README file in the main folder which will also refer you to the README file in the database folder. Those instructions are more detailed than those on this page. However you do not need to compile the code, you just need to download all the files from the code repository in order to have the latest database, updates and notes.
- Install Microsoft SQL Server latest version (The Express Edition With Tools is acceptible)
- Create MM3Login and MM3Reader logins for the server.
- Run SqlServer Management Studio (which is in the 'With Tools' portion of the installation.)
- Create a database called MM3.
- Restore that database from the MM3.bak database in your code files, typically c:\MountainMeadow3\Database\MM3.bak.
- Obtain a license file that encapsulates the login password for the database you created.
You may either request a free license file from EastRidges or create your own. Either way,
you should register as a developer.
- Run the program, specifying the name of the server you just installed AND specifying the MM3License key you just obtained. Check the box on the login screen to specify those. Otherwise it will default to the test server and to the test MM3License file if you have connected to it before.
- Run any Database update scripts which have dates later than the date of the MM3.bak file you restored from. To run the scripts, click Tools, Administrator's Console, DatabaseUpdate. The scripts are located in c:\MountainMeadow3\Database\NumberedScripts. Ignore any created before the MM3.bak file you use was made because they will have already been applied.