Mountain Meadow Medical Records

Stages of use:

Download the Program No Longer Supported

The website is still up and the software is still available on SourceForge, but we no longer support it, nor do we have a test program available.

M will run on computers running Microsoft Windows. If your computer didn't come with the latest version of the .NET Framework that will be downloaded as well.

Current users can download the latest version of M here for use on their own system. Others can use it to connect to our test server.

Installer and code signing changed January 1, 2017. If you have an earlier version it will not automatically update itself from the database correctly, so please uninstall the old version and install this current version.

Windows XP will not support the latest .NET Framework and therefore will not run M.

Click to Install

To update current users:

Simply download this current version to one of your computers. If you have administrator privileges you can then upload it to your server using Tools, Administrator's Console, File Versions. Thereafter other clients will automatically sync their own files at the next login.

To test drive the program:

Simply download this current version to a computer. Start the program (Start, All Programs, Eastridges, MM3). The first time you should choose to connect to the test server, and login as FirstUser1 with password FirstUser
When prompted to find the license key *.mm3license, just select the default one that loads upon installation, called TestServer1.mm3license, in the main MM3 folder with all the other program files. That will allow you to connect to the test server. Our test server is usually running, but e-mail if it doesn't work right.